Lower back pain has several causes. However, it is not very easy to diagnose the cause of this pain each and every time. Usually, most people are treated without knowing the actual cause, since they are mild cases or back pain. However, only in the severe cases which show different signs, diagnostic imaging is required.
Generally, CT, MRI scans and X-rays are not needed for lower back pain diagnosis except in certain severe cases. If the pain has lasted for a long period of time, an X-ray is done simply to satisfy the patient and his anxieties.
The cases where immediate diagnosis is required are cases of recent traumatic incidents, an unexplained loss in body mass, a previous case of cancer, an unexplainable fever or if the person’s age is more than fifty. Other cases may include the usage of intravenous drugs, osteoporosis, which is the deterioration of the bones or the use of chronic corticosteroid. If you want to go drug free – try a natural treatment for lower back pain – often exercise, yoga or massage are the best natural options for back pain relief
If the pain lasts for more than six-seven weeks or if the person if more than seventy years old, or if the patient has a focal neurological deficit, diagnosis is required immediately.